Support for Existing B Corps

At its heart, B Corp certification is a commitment to continual improvement. While certification itself is a fantastic achievement, it’s just the start.

Using the B Impact Assessment (BIA) as a framework for embedding sustainability and ethics into business operations and strategy is a fantastic way to ensure your business is improving year on year. And the recertification process is an opportunity to evidence that commitment to ongoing improvement. The goal is to give you confidence going into recertification and to ensure your final submitted score accurately reflects the improvements you have implemented since certification.

Here’s how we can work together from just £500+VAT a month to make the most of your B Corp certification, building the values into your strategy to achieve your social and environmental goals.

Amamus has retained Nancy as our Sustainability Consultant for over four years, and in this time she has added incredible value to our team.

Nancy’s primary role is to develop and monitor strategies for improving our B Corp score year on year as this is our primary framework for improving our social and environmental impact. In 2023 we had our B Corp re-certification, which Nancy managed for us end-to-end. Our score increased from 83 points to 96 points, which was driven by her support, advice and guidance.

Then recently she led on a project to align our coffee impact with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This was a pioneering analysis-driven project that involved extensive liaison with our green coffee sourcing partners. The outcome of this projects helps our clients choose their coffee based on impact, rather than just country of origin or taste profile.

Tim Wookey

Co-founder, Amamus


Thank you for your invaluable support during our B Corp assessment process. Your insight and experience was so useful to us, and we’d highly recommend other companies to use your services to support them during their B Corp assessment.

Amy Cowdell

Community and Climate Manager, Dudley Building Society

As a B Leader and certified B Corporation myself, I recognise the value of using the B Corp framework as a tool to facilitate ongoing change and improvement to maximise your social and environmental impacts.

If you want to keep the momentum going post certification, get in touch for a free, no obligation chat to discuss your sustainability goals.