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ISO 14001 v B Corp

ISO 14001 v B Corp

There are a number of certifications available to you, but ISO 14001 and B Corp certification are two I get asked about a lot so I’ve highlighted the key differences between them.

Understanding Carbon Neutral v Net Zero

Understanding Carbon Neutral v Net Zero

Becoming carbon neutral and achieving net zero are not the same thing! Download this free guide to get clear on the difference between the two and how you can achieve these goals for your business.


How to create a sustainability roadmap for SMEs

How to create a sustainability roadmap for SMEs

How to create a sustainability strategy for SMEs Trying to maximise your social and environmental impact can be overwhelming with so many options out there. Is B Corp certification right for you? Or maybe ISO 14001? What about using Doughnut Economics as a framework?...

The Doughnut Economics Workshop

The Doughnut Economics Workshop

The Doughnut Economics Workshop: a powerful reminder that people care about the future of the planet. A few weeks ago, Ali Fisher (Plans With Purpose) and I welcomed four incredible businesses that wanted to commit to a full day of analysing their organisation through...

Inclusivity in Outdoor Spaces

Inclusivity in Outdoor Spaces

Inclusivity in Outdoor Spaces The Great Outdoors makes us think of fresh air, sprawling countryside, and unbridled freedom. It’s associated with escapism and grounding - a way for us to reconnect with nature and ourselves at any time, no matter what. Nature belongs to...

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