An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a set of processes and procedures to help you identify where your biggest environmental impacts are and put plans in place to reduce them.

No Planet B

As a responsible business, you recognise that we are facing a climate emergency.

And you also know that clients are more switched on than ever when it comes to working with sustainable organisations. They want transparency or they’ll go elsewhere.

You’re fully committed to reducing your environmental impact and have already begun making changes but how do you pull everything together to create a system that is effective without being over complicated or creating a heavy admin burden?

That’s where building a tailored Environmental Management System can help.

An Environmental Management System (EMS) is designed to help a business manage and reduce its environmental impacts in a systematic way, ensuring continual improvement over time.

I have worked with a range of companies to implement, certify and maintain ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management Systems across the globe and have supported on nearly 100 certification and surveillance audits.

Whether you need a fully certified EMS or one that is aligned to the ISO 14001 standard, True Horizon can help to ensure your EMS is effective and in line with a tried and tested formula that also meets B Corp requirements.

An effective EMS will help you:

  • Respond to client / prospective client requirements regarding environmental commitments
  • Achieve your environmental goals
  • Increase efficiencies
  • Manage your environmental impacts
  • Support Net Zero and Carbon Reduction Plans

Get in touch to talk through the best EMS option for your business.