ISO 14001 v B Corp

ISO 14001 v B Corp

There are a number of certifications available to you, but ISO 14001 and B Corp certification are two I get asked about a lot so I’ve highlighted the key differences between them. ISO 14001 v. B...
It’s not the B-Corp and end-all

It’s not the B-Corp and end-all

It’s not the B-Corp and end-all! B-Corp certification isn’t a silver bullet. Hear me out. I’m a huge believer in the B Corp movement. It’s galvanised businesses across the world to be a force for good, transforming the global economy to benefit people,...
Why eco-certification might not be for you

Why eco-certification might not be for you

4 reasons why eco-certification is NOT for you There’s no denying that eco-certification is an alluring prospect. From improving stakeholder investment in environmental activity to encouraging positive change in your industry, the benefits are tenfold. But it’s not a...
5 ways that going green will increase your profits

5 ways that going green will increase your profits

5 ways that going green will increase your profits Just a few years ago, eco-friendly or “green” initiatives were largely dismissed as a passing fad. But as the public’s interest in sustainability grows, and climate change issues continue to dominate the headlines,...